7 Tips for Mindfulness Shopping

What’s so wrong with a little retail therapy?

Yes, Black Friday is an excellent opportunity to get the gifts and things we’ve been eying up all season cheaper. But is that offer really worth it? Often, we are too entranced by those dollar signs and forget its value. And more importantly, if we really actually it.

This year especially, as we find ourselves in lockdowns and under restrictions from COVID, it can be all too easy to head online and add items to the basket. Part of us is genuinely looking for that perfect gift, a symbol of how much we care for others. But behind this motivation is something else, too – a little thing called retail therapy.

Admit it! It feels good to shop. Spending time online distracts us from all that’s going on in the world, even for a little bit. That click and basket drop feels even better. And when that package arrives through your front door – heaven!

But this feel-good effect only lasts a little while. Its implications on your pocket can last much longer.

That’s why, this holiday season, ’tis the season not to shop. Instead, it’s time for family, friends, and mindfulness. So, I invite you to take a breath and get to grips with our 7 tips for mindful shopping this holiday season.

7 Tips for Mindfulness Shopping on Black Friday and Beyond

Plan ahead and budget

The world is your oyster. Or at least that’s how those online shops can make it appear. Your wallet tells a different story. So, before you even think of jumping online, take a quick glance at your bank account.

Now that you know the number set a budget for how much you can afford to spend. Be realistic. Push all those wants and desires out and focus on the numbers. Done that? Good. You’ve just completed one crucial holiday shopping step.

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